Legal Terms

Privacy policy

In accordance with the legislation in force, namely the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 of the European Union.

What data is collected
The use of this website does not imply gathering or saving visitor’s personal data.
By submiting forms, users may provide voluntarily the following information: name, organisation, email and phone number.
For statistical purposes the following information is collected each time a visitor accesses this website: visitor’s geographic location (country and city), pages visited, date, time and duration, IT resources used (web browser, operating system, monitor resolution, IP, network provider), search terms and referral webpage, among others.

How data is used
Data received through forms submitted by visitors is used by GPW Invest solely to provide a reply.
This data is kept private, not shared with any third party, and is archived after one year.
The statistical data is used to analyze and improve this website, being subject to Google Analytics service policies and being eliminated after 26 months.
GPW Invest does not send unsolicited advertising, either by email, sms, or any other form.

Who is responsible for the data
The entity responsible for the users’ personal data is GPW Invest, and has the following contacts.

Access, modification and elimination
The user who provided personal data to GPW Invest has the right at any time to request its consultation, modification or elimination, without prejudice to the exceptions provided by law related to matters of public interest, or justice, fiscal and commercial obligations by GPW Invest.

If you need any additional information regarding our Privacy Policy, please contact GPW Invest.


The content of this website, including design, text and images, is protected under intellectual property law and is the exclusive right of GPW Invest or other authors or sources like GPW Invest’s customers, image banks, etc. No part of it may be commercially used without the written consent and authorization from GPW Invest. The unauthorized commercial use of any portion of this website may incur in civil and criminal charges.
Quoting or mentioning content from this website, for non-commercial purposes, is allowed as long as the source is indicated.


A “cookie” is a data file, which an internet page can record on a user’s computer. Cookies are normally used to store and retrieve user preferences and activities, such as which language version the user has chosen, account and session information, which products were placed on the cart, etc.
GPW Invest ‘s website uses the cookies strictly necessary to register statistics in Google Analytics, and others used by Wordpress software.
You can use the settings in your browser to check the contents of cookies, and to allow, block or delete them.

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GPW Invest | All Rights Reserved | This website uses cookies

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GPW Invest | Legal Terms
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